Legacy Microsoft Office document formats could contain malicious software code, which is why criminals often try to email them in order to lock user files for the purpose of extorting ransom, taking control over infected computers, or other malicious activities. Most often they use fake sender email addresses, or infected computers, which means one can receive infected file from a sender who is not aware of the fact that attached file contains malicious code, or even that such email has been sent on their behalf. Opening of such documents by a user, no matter wheather they have been received over company-owned or private email address, public cloud file service such as Sendspace or WeTransfer, on a USB thumbdrive, or some other way, can have grave consequences not only for computer they have been opened on, but also for complete Kappa Star information system, eg.:
- Locking all the shared files on fileserver for which a user has write permission
- Installation of a keylogger, malicious software which collects and sends history of keystrokes pressed on a keyboard
- Collection of typed usernames and passwords which can provide criminals with a way to access company VPN, impersonation of a compromised user in NAV RDP server etc.
Because of aforementioned reasons, sending and receiving legacy Microsoft Office document formats on Kappa Star email system is forbidden. Working around this restriction by means of communication over private email addresses, as well as using private email addresses for correspondence concerning business matters of Kappa Star Group member companies, is strictly forbidden.
Korisnicima se povremeno dešava da im lozinka istekne u momentu kada se nalaze van korporacijske mreže, usled čega nisu u mogućnosti da koriste informacione servise tipa email, VPN, RDP / NAV itd. U ovakvim slučajevima se korisnici najčešće obraćaju tehničkoj podršci putem telefona sa zahtevom za ponovno podešavanje lozinke, ali ovakva praksa nije ispravna sa sigurnosnog aspekta jer krši osnovne sigurnosne procedure. Ispratite uputstvo koje sledi kako biste brzo i lako izmenili isteklu lozinku kroz Kappastar Webmail.
Connecting to Kappa Star virtual private network - VPN - can be achived by means of a PPTP client, which is included in Windows 10 operating system. In order to connect to Kappa Star PPTP VPN follow the instructions below.
Connecting to Kappa Star virtual private network - VPN - can be achived by means of a PPTP client, which represents integral part of Windows 7 operating system. The following manual gives detailed instruction for connection.